Mom straps baby in carseat and tosses her out second-story window just seconds before taking her final breaths. Full story in the comments 

Nothing really beats mother’s love, don’t you think so? When a woman gives birth, her whole life changes and all that matters is the well-being of her bundle of joy. There is literally nothing a mom wouldn’t do for her child, and this sad and heartwarming story is just another proof of that.

Shelby Ann Carter, a 21-year-old woman from Wyoming, Ill, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in January 2017. She and her boyfriend couldn’t be happier with the new addition to their family. Things just felt perfect for these new parents.

But you know what they say. Things don’t always turn out the way we want and expect. Sadly, the life of this loving family turned upside down as a result of a devastating tragedy.

On January 30, the mom and her baby were staying at Shelby’s mother’s house where they lived when suddenly the place caught fire.

The flames were spreading so quickly that the whole house got filled with heavy smoke and there was no way out.

Firefighters came at the scene as quickly as they could and did all in their power to put the flames under control, but unfortunately, it was already way too late for Shelby to be saved. She died due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

In the midst of the panic, Shelby tried to save her baby girl and everyone was left stunned when they realized what this mother did before she lost her life.

Firefighters came at the scene as quickly as they could and did all in their power to put the flames under control, but unfortunately, it was already way too late for Shelby to be saved. She died due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

In the midst of the panic, Shelby tried to save her baby girl and everyone was left stunned when they realized what this mother did before she lost her life.

Once she realized it was impossible for them to get out of the house, Shelby put the baby into the carseat, made sure she was secured with the belts, and then dropped her from the second-floor window. This woman didn’t care for her own life as long as her daughter would survive. This is sort of sacrifice only a mother can make.

The moment the firefighters spotted the little soul, they rushed her to the hospital, praying she didn’t suffer any serious injuries from the fall. Luckily, baby Keana was completely unscathed thanks to her mommy’s love and quick-thinking.

“It’s just incredible that she was able to pull her thoughts together to save her baby… I’d say it’s nothing short of a miracle the way it ended up”, Chief of the Wyoming-Speer Fire Protection District Ed Foglesonger told The Washington Post.

The loss of the young mother was a real tragedy that left the residents of Wyoming grieving. A baby was left without her mommy, and a family was broken forever.

Members of the community gathered to express their condolences and were willing to help Shelby’s family rebuild their house. After the word about the tragic and heartbreaking event spread, kind-hearted people helped raise almost $40,000 in just a few weeks.

We are deeply sorry for the loss and we feel sad Keana will never get the chance to meet her heroic mother who saved her life.

Once she realized it was impossible for them to get out of the house, Shelby put the baby into the carseat, made sure she was secured with the belts, and then dropped her from the second-floor window. This woman didn’t care for her own life as long as her daughter would survive. This is sort of sacrifice only a mother can make.

The moment the firefighters spotted the little soul, they rushed her to the hospital, praying she didn’t suffer any serious injuries from the fall. Luckily, baby Keana was completely unscathed thanks to her mommy’s love and quick-thinking.

“It’s just incredible that she was able to pull her thoughts together to save her baby… I’d say it’s nothing short of a miracle the way it ended up”, Chief of the Wyoming-Speer Fire Protection District Ed Foglesonger told The Washington Post.

The loss of the young mother was a real tragedy that left the residents of Wyoming grieving. A baby was left without her mommy, and a family was broken forever.

Members of the community gathered to express their condolences and were willing to help Shelby’s family rebuild their house. After the word about the tragic and heartbreaking event spread, kind-hearted people helped raise almost $40,000 in just a few weeks.

We are deeply sorry for the loss and we feel sad Keana will never get the chance to meet her heroic mother who saved her life.

The pilot’s emotional reaction when he discovered why birds were flying alongside the plane

For many years, a man by the name of Jason has been a pilot.

Throughout his career, he has encountered a lot of unforeseen circumstances that called for quick thinking to be resolved. But he became a hero in one specific circumstance.

A massive flock of birds suddenly attacked the aircraft Jason was piloting during a trip, banging on the windows and making a racket.

Jason was shocked by the sight because it was so unique. He tried to escape the angry birds, but it wasn’t as simple as he thought it would be because he knew the passengers’ lives were in his hands.

He prayed that the birds wouldn’t harm the engine while he attempted to reassure everyone on board that everything would go perfectly.

Unfortunately, the birds were just becoming more and more hostile, leaving Jason unsure of what to do to get rid of them.

When he requested help from flight control, the control tower remained silent.

He decided to head back to the airport since he couldn’t keep the jet under control, but as the attacks grew more intense, he was eventually compelled to try a maneuver he had never done before: a water landing.

No matter how absurd that might sound, it was the only option that made sense to this pilot.

No passengers were hurt despite the rocky landing.

Once rescuers arrived, tugboats were sent to the area to help lift the jet out of the sea. Each passenger was brought to safety, but it took some time for this rescue operation to get underway because the bird attacks persisted. The birds resisted the rescue services’ attempts to scare them for an unknown reason, despite their persistence.

It was finally determined after an investigation what caused the flock of birds to attack the plane. The person who was attempting to smuggle some birds and was engaged in the illegal trade in exotic birds was revealed to be one of the passengers.

Jason was relieved and started crying tears of joy when everything came to an end and he realized everyone was safe. He not only averted a disaster, but also revealed a criminal enterprise.

This is simply another illustration of the difficulties those working in aviation encounter. Jason received admiration for his deed and his capacity to maintain composure and concentration while working to ensure the safety of every passenger on board.

This individual was solely responsible for ending the illicit enterprise that was the root of the unusual behavior of the birds.

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