Elon Musk with an unexpected statement that the public will surely appreciate. What he said…

Elon Musk is totally up for a position that the American people will undoubtedly adore, making them a potentially annoying pair.

Elon Musk has responded favorably to the notion that, should the Republicans win the upcoming elections in November, he would offer him a position in the White House.

In a Monday interview with Reuters, the former president said he would be willing to have Musk join him in an advising or ministerial role should he win the election. “He is really intelligent. I would certainly consider it if he is willing to take on the responsibility. He’s a very intelligent man,” Trump said.

Elon Musk, the owner of the social media site X, which was once known as Twitter, replied brief on the site, saying, “I am willing to serve.” This succinct but unambiguous communication indicates Musk’s willingness to consider joining the Trump team.

Musk turning into a fierce defender of conservative rights and free speech

Additionally, Musk posted a picture of himself behind a podium that read “Department Of Government Efficiency” and “D.O.G.E.”

Musk’s impact is evident in this allusion to Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that was first invented as a joke. With his well-known marketing, Musk significantly increased Dogecoin’s worth before its value crashed and many investors suffered losses.

Elon Musk has discovered that conservatism is his ideal. He claimed that although he had never really wanted to serve the public, things are now different. He has been outspoken in his criticism of actor Robert De Niro and has professed adoration for the Lord Jesus Christ, believing that Christianity is essential to the survival of the West.

The public will undoubtedly appreciate Musk’s readiness to serve the American people now that he has been on such a roll.

Military sleep method which works for 96% of people can send you to sleep in two minutes

The actual question is, will you be among the 96% of those who can use this military technique to fall asleep in two minutes?
All of us have experienced it, or at least, those of us who experience high levels of anxiety have. As we lay in bed, exhausted beyond belief, our minds raced, making it impossible for us to go asleep. We reached for the sinister blue lights on our phones, thinking to ourselves, “If only there was a way to fall asleep instantly?”
It turns out that there is, albeit given who I am, I’ll probably be in the unfortunate four percent for which it doesn’t work. Nevertheless, perhaps there is still hope for you.

Though science hasn’t yet developed a “on-off” switch for our brains, there is a military sleep technique that may be the next best thing.
Fitness instructor Justin Agustin used his platform to spread the word about this technique, which he claims works for an astounding 96 percent of individuals and can even put you to sleep in under two minutes.
How then does it operate?
The US Army, it seems, created the method primarily for “fighter pilots who need 100% of their reflexes” and for combatants who must be able to nod off in noisy, demanding environments.
You will go to sleep in a matter of minutes if you settle in and pay attention to your breathing.
Once you’ve mastered that area, you may begin to’shut it down’ by gradually relaxing your entire body, beginning with your forehead and facial features.
Make every effort to ensure that nothing is tight and that your arms are relaxed by your sides.
Feel the warmth rising from your head to your fingertips. Then, relax your chest by taking a deep breath; then, relax your thigh, stomach, legs, and feet.

You must visualize the warm feeling traveling from your heart to your toes.
Finally, the difficult portion.
Ideally, you should be free of any tension in order to aid in your own sleep.
Picture yourself in a cozy spot, such as curled up in a velvet hammock or relaxing on a heated boat on a serene lake.
For 10 seconds, tell yourself to “don’t think” if you are experiencing intrusive thoughts about the time you told a waiter to enjoy your dinner and you feel like you’re thinking about something else.
Hopefully, you will be able to fall asleep after this.
Though Agustin’s video may seem too wonderful to be true, comments on it show that there is some validity to the approach.
“I’m a military brat and was taught this,” one commenter said. This was also taught by a seasoned psychology professor I had in college. It is undoubtedly effective.”
Another said: “Pretty sure this is closer to what is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation which was developed by an American physician in 1908.”
And that’s it – pleasant dreams!

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