Mom of Boy with Rare Condition Shares Their Life, People React Differently

Logan Pacl stands out among teenagers. At 17, he faces a rare illness known as Sanfilippo syndrome. Often called “childhood Alzheimer’s,” this cruel disorder gradually takes away a child’s cognitive skills, mirroring the effects of Alzheimer’s in older people. But he keeps fighting and uses social media to spread awareness about his condition.

At first, everything seemed normal.

Logan Pacl’s life is a battle against time. Diagnosed with Sanfilippo syndrome, often known as “childhood Alzheimer’s,” the 17-year-old from Silverdale faces a relentless genetic disorder that viciously strips away the very essence of childhood. Caused by a single defective gene, this neurodegenerative disease attacks the brain and spinal cord, leaving behind a cruel wake of lost abilities, seizures, and constant pain. It’s a ticking time bomb, as most children with this terminal illness don’t survive beyond their mid-teens.

For Logan’s family, the heartbreak began early. Born in 2007 with his twin brother Austin, Logan seemed like any other healthy baby. Both boys hit their developmental milestones—until Logan began to fall behind. A year in, the red flags emerged: while Austin was speaking, Logan remained silent. The difference between the brothers grew, signaling the start of a devastating journey.

Sanfilippo syndrome doesn’t just rob children of their future—it erases their past.

Then the news of the diagnosis hit the parents, something no one could have anticipated.

As Logan’s condition worsened, with chronic infections and a noticeably swollen belly, Noelle and William were left searching for answers. In January 2010, they learned that Logan had Sanfilippo syndrome, a terminal illness with no cure or treatment, and a life expectancy that typically extends only into the late teens. “I’ll never forget the day we got the phone call. The genetic counselor on the other end went on and on, and all I thought was, well get to the part on how we fix this. Then she said it, ’This disease is terminal, and there is no cure or treatment,’” his parents recall.

Noelle recalled her initial reaction, grappling with the news that the disease was terminal. The weight of the diagnosis was overwhelming, leaving her with a heart that felt as though it had dropped into her stomach. The severity of the situation rendered her unable to process much beyond the devastating reality.

Noelle described the experience of mourning not just the child she had but the life she had envisioned for him, a life that was abruptly stolen away. The medical advice they received was minimal and unhelpful, simply advising them to take Logan home and cherish their time with him. This lack of concrete guidance only deepened their sense of helplessness.

In their search for hope, Noelle and William discovered an experimental stem cell transplant through online research. Inspired by the success of another mother’s child, they decided to pursue the same treatment for Logan. So, Pacl went through a tough three-month treatment that was basically a bone marrow transplant. He had to endure chemotherapy to wipe out his immune system so it could accept the new stem cells. It was a risky procedure, but it seems to have helped with some of Logan’s physical symptoms.

His mother uses social media to spread awareness about his condition.

At 17, Logan’s life is very different from that of most teenagers. Losing his ability to speak at a young age was tough for him and his family, but over time, he’s become more easygoing. “Life with Logan is anything but typical. Each day is a battle to maintain the skills he still has,” his mother Noelle said.

Since 2020, Noelle has been a vocal advocate for Sanfilippo syndrome, using TikTok to share her family’s story. Her videos have reached a global audience, raising awareness about the disorder and encouraging other parents to seek early diagnosis for their children.

Although Logan’s future is uncertain, the Pacl family is committed to making the most of their time together. Noelle and William used to avoid thinking about what lies ahead, but now they focus on cherishing every moment with Logan and ensuring he enjoys his time to the fullest. Noelle notes that among Sanfilippo parents, there’s a bit of a joke that all their children seem like siblings, sharing similar features like bushy eyebrows, a low nasal bridge, and large, round stomachs.

Even with the demands of caring for Logan, Noelle keeps life as normal as possible for Logan’s siblings, Austin and Aidyn. She acknowledges that having a brother with special needs can bring its own set of benefits.

As for sharing Logan’s journey online, Noelle remains thoughtful about what she posts. While she plans to continue sharing, she’s careful to respect her family’s privacy. “We just live in the moment,” his mother said. “And if something comes up, and we’re like, we can make that, we’ll do it.”

People in comments react differently.

Mostly people express support and empathy.

But some show a bit of skepticism.

  • Genuine question, what is your plan when you are gone? © devin_abq.505 / Instagram
  • I just wanna know why it’s necessary. People have to publicize their children’s conditions. Why do people think that we all wanna know what’s wrong with your child? I feel sorry for the parents, but I don’t know why you want to put this all out there. I’m sure you have support group publicizing putting your child out there like this. © marlawomble / Instagram

Today, conversations about living with disabilities are becoming more open, especially on social media. Celebrities are sharing their experiences as parents of children with special needs, helping to normalize these discussions and inspire others. This shift fosters understanding and empathy, creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.

Wealthy Developer Destroys Elderly Man’s Home, Stumbles Upon His Own Childhood Photograph Amidst the Debris

A wealthy man, convinced that money could buy anything, destroyed a poor old man’s house to make way for a shopping mall. Later, while examining the debris, he discovered a childhood photo among the rubble.

Can greed make someone so blind that they harm others to fulfill their own desires? In July 2021, real estate developer Elliot Morris from Florida unintentionally shattered the dreams of an elderly man named Joe Brooke in his pursuit of wealth.

Elliot was searching for the perfect spot to build a fancy mall when he noticed Joe’s property. He was taken with the location and decided it would be the ideal place for his new project. Elliot chose to demolish Joe’s house to clear the land. When Joe protested, Elliot dismissed him as just an obstacle that could easily be removed.

Joe pleaded with Elliot, explaining that the house held precious memories of his late wife and that he had nowhere else to go. However, Elliot ignored Joe’s desperate requests. He informed Joe that he had already received approval from the mayor and planned to start the demolition in two weeks, leaving Joe with no choice but to leave.

Despite his fears, Joe refused to accept any money in exchange for his cherished home. As the deadline approached, he hoped for a miracle, but the day of demolition arrived too quickly.

When Elliot returned with his workers and heavy machinery, Joe once again begged him not to tear down his house. Elliot coldly reminded Joe that he had already given him a deadline and handed him a check, showing no concern for Joe’s situation.

Elliot ordered one of his workers to take Joe to a nursing home and insisted that Joe take the money, but Joe refused. With tears in his eyes, Joe told Elliot that he had let greed consume him, reminding him that money could not buy everything. Elliot dismissed Joe’s words and watched with satisfaction as his workers demolished the house. He felt a sense of triumph as he saw the building fall to the ground.

Later that day, Elliot returned to the site to celebrate his achievement. As he walked over the ruins, he stumbled upon the shattered glass of a photo frame. Picking it up, he recognized the image of his mother holding a baby.

Confused, Elliot realized this was a photo of him as a child, and he wondered how it had ended up in Joe’s home. Driven by curiosity, he immediately went to the nursing home to confront Joe. When Joe saw Elliot, he was upset, expecting more trouble. But Elliot showed him the photo he had found. He wanted to know how Joe had the picture of his mother.

Joe explained that he had found Elliot’s mother, Samantha, on the street 30 years ago, struggling in the rain with a baby in her arms. Joe had just come from his wife’s funeral and felt compelled to help her.

Joe shared that he had taken Samantha in, as she had been thrown out by her boyfriend. For five years, Samantha lived with Joe, who treated her like family. Eventually, Joe helped her get back on her feet, enabling her to start her own business and build a life for herself.

Elliot felt his heart break as Joe spoke, realizing that he had been unaware of the love and support Joe had given his mother. Overwhelmed with guilt, Elliot decided to make amends. The next day, he put up a sign on Joe’s old property and began constructing a new home for him.

Within a few months, a beautiful house replaced the one Elliot had destroyed. Elliot gifted this new home to Joe, sincerely apologizing for his past ignorance. Joe, however, refused any additional help, saying he would only accept the house and wanted nothing else but Elliot’s love. Joe moved into his new home, leading a simple life. He inspired Elliot, teaching him that compassion and love matter more than wealth.

In the end, Elliot decided to use his resources to help others by building retirement homes for those in need. He learned to respect people’s homes and dreams, vowing never to harm anyone for personal gain again. The story reminds us of two important lessons: never destroy someone else’s happiness to fulfill your own dreams and strive to create something beneficial for others when you have the chance.

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