Dogs actually do respond better when their owners use cute ‘baby talk’, study finds

Dogs’ brains are sensitive to the familiar high-pitched “cute” voice tone that adult humans, especially women, use to talk to babies, according to a new study.

The research, published recently in the journal Communications Biology, found “exciting similarities” between infant and dog brains during the processing of speech with such a high-pitched tone feature.

Humans tend to speak with a specific speech style characterised by exaggerated prosody, or patterns of stress and intonation in a language, when communicating with individuals having limited language competence.

Such speech has previously been found to be very important for the healthy cognitive, social and language development of children, who are also tuned to such a high-pitched voice.

But researchers, including those from the Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, hoped to assess whether dog brains are also sensitive to this way of communication.

In the study, conscious family dogs were made to listen to dog, infant and adult-directed speech recorded from 12 women and men in real-life interactions.

As the dogs listened, their brain activities were measured using a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan.

The study found the sound-processing regions of the dogs’ brains responded more to dog- and infant-directed than adult-directed speech.

This marked the first neurological evidence that dog brains are tuned to speech directed specifically at them.

“Studying how dog brains process dog-directed speech is exciting, because it can help us understand how exaggerated prosody contributes to efficient speech processing in a nonhuman species skilled at relying on different speech cues,” explained Anna Gergely, co-first author of the study.

Scientists also found dog- and infant-directed speech sensitivity of dog brains was more pronounced when the speakers were women, and was affected by voice pitch and its variation.

These findings suggest the way we speak to dogs matters, and that their brain is specifically sensitive to the higher-pitched voice tone typical to the female voice.

“Remarkably, the voice tone patterns characterizing women’s dog-directed speech are not typically used in dog-dog communication – our results may thus serve evidence for a neural preference that dogs developed during their domestication,” said Anna Gábor, co-first author of the study.

“Dog brains’ increased sensitivity to dog-directed speech spoken by women specifically may be due to the fact that women more often speak to dogs with exaggerated prosody than men,” Dr Gabor said.

“The Heartwarming Tale of a Young Hero: 7-Year-Old Rescues Homeless Dog, Proving the Miracles of Empathy”

A torrential rainstorm unleashed its fury upon the town, drenching everything in its path. The relentless rain seemed to have caught everyone off guard, as people hurriedly sought shelter and protection from the elements. Amidst the chaos, a seven-year-old boy named Ethan found himself caught in the downpour, with his loyal canine companion, Max, by his side.

With tears streaming down his face, Ethan clung tightly to Max, refusing to abandon him in this moment of adversity. The little boy’s determination was evident as he navigated through the flooded streets, searching desperately for a safe haven. Passersby looked on, their hearts swelling with a mix of concern and admiration for the brave young boy.

Ethan’s devotion to Max was unwavering, and he wouldn’t let the heavy rain deter him from finding a place of refuge. Despite his small stature and the weight of the dog in his arms, Ethan pressed forward, his only goal to keep Max safe and dry. The sight of this small figure carrying his furry friend became a poignant symbol of love and compassion.

Word of Ethan’s brave act quickly spread throughout the community, and before long, a crowd had gathered to witness the inspiring scene. Strangers were moved to tears by the profound bond between a young boy and his loyal companion. The image of Ethan’s determination and selflessness resonated deeply with everyone who witnessed it, reminding them of the power of love and the importance of standing by those we care about, even in the face of adversity.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ethan spotted a small sheltered area beneath a nearby tree. With renewed hope, he made his way towards it, shielding Max from the relentless rain as best as he could. The crowd watched with bated breath, their hearts pounding in unison, as the boy and his dog reached the shelter.

The collective sigh of relief that escaped from the onlookers was palpable as Ethan and Max found respite from the storm. The crowd erupted in applause, their tears mingling with the rain on their faces. In that moment, the bravery and love displayed by a seven-year-old boy had touched the souls of many.

News of Ethan’s remarkable act spread beyond the local community, reaching far and wide. The story of a young boy who carried his dog through a torrential rainstorm became a symbol of resilience, compassion, and the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. Ethan’s act of selflessness served as a reminder to all that even in the darkest of times, acts of love and kindness have the power to bring hope and unite people in a shared sense of humanity.

Conclusion: The story of the seven-year-old boy who carried his dog through a fierce rainstorm left a lasting impression on all who witnessed it. It served as a powerful reminder of the indomitable spirit of love and the extraordinary lengths we are willing to go to protect those we cherish. Ethan’s unwavering determination and selflessness became an inspiration to many, reminding us all to hold on to compassion, even in the face of life’s harshest storms.

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