A Woman Was Born With a Lock of Hair in the Middle of Her Forehead and Doesn’t Mind the Hateful Comments

In a world with defined beauty standards, it takes courage to embrace one’s uniqueness fully. Rada, a stunning model, exemplifies this courage as she proudly defends the distinctive patch of hair that grows from her forehead against online trolls and critics.

She went viral for her unique look

At just 18 years old, model Rada Prelevic, also known as Rada Viic on Instagram and TikTok, has captured the attention of social media users worldwide due to a distinctive feature: long strands of hair that gracefully hang from her forehead. Despite the fascination for her unique trait, Rada often finds herself subjected to harsh criticism and hurtful comments online. Trolls label her appearance as «bizarre» and suggest that she remove the locks.

In a candid video shared with her followers, she courageously affirmed that she really loves her hair and she won’t shave it. She also questions herself about why her unique hair bothers so many people.

She was born with it.

The Serbian-born model, now based in Oslo, Norway, where she has been living since the age of 5, shed light on the origins of her distinctive feature. Reflecting on her unusual trait, Rada explained that she was born with it. And there’s no explanation as to why the hair is placed on her forehead and has grown so much. She only knows that the patch is a birthmark.

The hate doesn’t bother her.

Rada’s confidence in her appearance is not only admirable but also inspiring. Despite the online hate, she remains firm in her conviction that her forehead birthmark is a beautiful and integral part of her identity. Her refusal to conform to societal pressures sends a powerful message of empowerment and self-acceptance to her followers and beyond.

The amount of support from Rada’s followers serves as a reminder that kindness and acceptance far exceed negativity. Hundreds of supportive messages flooded the comments section of her post, applauding her confidence and praising her unique beauty.

Her hair helps her modeling career.

For Rada, the unique lock of hair coming from her forehead has evolved into a unique feature, one that she proudly embraces as her personal «trademark» within the fashion industry. She notices that fashion magazines and photographers love her appearance, making her even prouder of the way she looks.

In matters of love and relationships, Rada’s self-assurance extends to her personal life as well. She says that she would never compromise her authenticity for the sake of romantic companionship. She firmly states that she would never be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t appreciate her for who she is.

Rada’s resolute self-confidence and refusal to conform to societal standards of beauty serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing one’s individuality. In the face of relentless criticism and online hate, she remains firm in her self-acceptance, inspiring countless others to celebrate their unique traits and differences without fear or hesitation.

Preview photo credit rada.viic / TikTokrada.viic / Instagram

My Husband Came Home with a Pregnant Lover and Asked Me to Move to My Mom’s – My Retaliation Was Severe

When Madison sees a note on the bathroom mirror, she chalks it up to her husband being sweet after their night out. But when she talks to him about it, his awkwardness makes her feel that the note isn’t for her. Could Ryan be cheating on her?

It started how things usually do: quiet and unassuming, with a sweet moment between my husband, Ryan, and me. Or so I thought. I was getting ready for the day when I noticed a love note written on a Post-it on the fogged-up bathroom mirror. The words threw me for a loop.

Miss you already, last night was amazing! XOXO.

My first thought?

That Ryan left me a surprise. I felt a little spark, honestly. After a few years of marriage, little things like that can really brighten your day.

We had gone out for dinner the night before, and I had too many cocktails, so when we got home, I had just hopped into bed, makeup and all. I slept like the dead and only noticed the note now.

I grabbed my phone and texted him right away.

Hey Babe! I saw your little note on the mirror. So cute! I loved it! 😘

A few minutes later, those three dots appeared. I smiled, brushing my hair, and waiting for his response. But when his message finally came in, it was not anything sweet or cheeky that I was expecting.

Uh, what note, Madison?

Well, that was weird. I mean, maybe he forgot about it? Ryan wasn’t a morning person at all, and he would remain grumpy and unengaged until he had two cups of coffee.

I snapped a picture of the mirror and sent it to him. My smile faded as I waited, fingers tapping nervously on the bathroom counter. After a few long minutes, my phone buzzed with his reply.

Oh! Haha! Yeah, right, I left that for you! I totally forgot!

Something about the way he typed it felt off. I could almost hear him saying it. My husband also loved emojis, so the lack of emojis in his text was different. The casualness, the awkwardness, it just didn’t sit right with me.

I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast before I logged on to work for the day. I couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe the note wasn’t meant for me at all.

The thought crept in, chilling me to my core: Was Ryan cheating?

The entire day, my mind raced. As much as I tried to sit down and focus on work, I just couldn’t. I told myself that I was overreacting. There had to be an explanation.

Ryan wouldn’t do something like that. We were solid, weren’t we?

“Hey honey,” Ryan said when he got home that evening.

He came into the study and kissed my head, completely oblivious to the inner turmoil I was going through.

“What’s for dinner?” he asked.

“I’ve been a bit behind on work, honey,” I said stiffly. “Can you make something?”

Ryan smiled, nodded, and headed to the kitchen.

I was on edge. I could feel it taking over me. I watched him closely, and while he was acting normal, I felt like it was a mask.

Later, when Ryan went to bed, I did something I never thought I’d do.

I went through my husband’s phone — every text, his call log, and the latest emails.

His phone was clean, like too clean. There were no secret messages, no signs of an affair, nothing. But my gut told me something was off.

I felt sick. What was going on? My mind screamed at me to let it go, but something deep down wouldn’t let me.

I just couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something. But if Ryan wasn’t cheating, then who was that note meant for?

A few days later, things took a turn.

He was in the shower with the woman who had walked into my home.
Ryan came home from work earlier than usual, just as I was about to head to the gym. His body was tense, and when I asked him why, his answer felt rehearsed.

“My dad’s coming over,” he said. “He wants some help with his laptop. Enjoy your session, I’ll see you later!”

His dad? Bob rarely came over in the past. But recently, he had been dropping in all the time. Especially on the days when I worked from the office and not home.

Later that week, Ryan’s mom, Claire, called me. She sounded off, a little upset.

“Darling, have you seen Bob around lately?” she asked.

“Yes, Mom,” I said. “He was here the other day. Ryan said that he wanted help with his laptop or something.”

That’s when something clicked.

Bob had been here a lot recently.

Too much.

The next time Bob came over, I decided to do some digging of my own. I pretended to run errands but parked around the corner, out of sight. A few minutes later, a woman walked up to my front door!

“What the heck?” I said out loud.

I waited a few more minutes, talking myself into getting out of the car. My palms were slick as I made my way quietly back to the house.

The shower was running.

I approached the bathroom. I don’t know what I was expecting to see, but what I found shattered every assumption I had. Through the crack in the door, I saw Bob.

He was in the shower with the woman who had walked into my home. A woman who definitely wasn’t my mother-in-law.

That’s when I finally realized the truth. The note wasn’t meant for me. And Ryan wasn’t cheating. Bob was.

I flung the door open, and they both whipped around, startled. Bob looked like a deer in headlights. The woman grabbed one of my towels from the towel rack next to the shower. She jumped out of the shower, grabbed her clothes from the floor, and bolted.

“What the hell, Bob?” I yelled.

He stumbled over a series of words, trying to come up with excuses, but I didn’t need to hear them. The truth was plain and simple. He was using my house as his secret hideaway for his affair.

Later that night, I confronted Ryan. His face went pale when I told him what I had walked into. At first, he tried to deny it, his voice defensive and sharp.

But when I pressed him, it all came pouring out.

“Tell me the truth!” I demanded.

“Of course, I knew, Madison!” he said, frustrated. “But he’s my father. He asked me to cover up and I did. It’s better this way, you know.”

“How is it better?” I asked, shocked at the words coming out of his mouth.

“It’s safer here, Madison! This way, my mother wouldn’t see Dad with his mistress.”

I couldn’t believe it. I was furious. My husband wasn’t the one cheating, sure. But he had been lying the entire time, hiding something so disgusting right under my nose.

We argued for hours that night, and he still just didn’t seem to understand why I was so upset.

“How could you lie to me? For months, Ryan! How could you cover for him? Didn’t you think about your mother?”

“I didn’t want to get involved,” he said weakly. “It’s my dad, Madison. What was I supposed to do?”

“You were supposed to be open and honest. With me. With yourself. With your mother, for goodness’ sake! Instead, you turned our house into Bob’s disgusting little playground.”

That night, I told him to sleep in the living room. I needed space.

The next morning, I called Claire.

And I told her everything. The silence at the other end of the line was chilling. And when she finally spoke, her voice was steady.

“Pack your bags, Madison,” she said calmly. “We’re leaving.”

We ended up checking into a hotel using the money that Bob had transferred to Claire a month earlier.

“He said it was for my 65th birthday weekend,” she said. “Now, we’ll use it for massages, cocktails on the beach, and planning our next move.”

By the end of the week, we both filed for divorce. My mother-in-law told me she couldn’t stay with a man who betrayed her trust like that. And I knew I couldn’t stay with Ryan after he lied and enabled the whole situation.

Now, Claire and I are renting a cute little apartment together. We’re two newly single women, free from lies. And it’s been the most refreshing change.

What would you have done?

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