12 Beauty Tricks That Make French Women Naturally Charming

In every country, women have their own secrets for how to stay young and beautiful. But French women have the most natural charm in the world because they somehow manage to look 18 at the age of 42, like Audrey Tautou. Of course there are no universal tips that can help everyone, but French women definitely have some useful habits that help them stay charming at any age.

Bright Side has discovered the secrets of the beauty routine that almost all French women follow.

12. They don’t use contouring.

French women don’t like contouring because it hides the natural features of the face and looks unnatural. What they do love is a little bronzer on the cheeks to make themselves look fresh and shiny.

11. They don’t mind imperfection.

If you take a closer look at French women and their style, you will notice that almost all of them prefer a little messiness. It may be about hair, it may be about their accessories, like a scarf, or the way their clothes are sewn. This allows them to look natural and free, as if they don’t do anything special to look beautiful.

10. They prefer red lips.

You can always brighten up your appearance by using red lipstick. Women from Paris are completely convinced of this: it does not matter what your style is, you could be wearing torn jeans and a T-shirt or a dress with a huge hat. But adding red lipstick will immediately elevate any look.

9. They don’t get French manicures.

True French women never have “the perfect manicure” that took several hours to apply. Because this would send the message that you actually had to spend an immense amount of time, and money, on something so small.

Parisian women think that it is unnecessary, because they were already born beautiful and they are not going to spend hours on something so trivial. So, the most popular nail style among French women is short nails with clear polish or no polish at all. The same goes for their pedicure.

8. They have a hair styling secret.

French women prefer to not damage their hair and they don’t use a hair dryer or a flat iron every day. They mostly use expensive products — all of them have their favorite hair masks, and oil for their hair, and also a good hairbrush made of natural materials.

This is what they do to hair in France: they wash it and let it dry without a hair dryer, and the next day, when it becomes smooth, they style it.

7. Their makeup bag is not full of products.

French women have only 2 lipsticks: one natural color, and a red one for a great mood or an evening out.

They choose a light powder and a foundation to make their skin shine. But they don’t reapply it every hour, mostly so they don’t look like a wall with plaster on it. Healthy skin is supposed to shine just a little. They consider this is beautiful and natural.

Eye makeup only means mascara on the eyelashes. In the evening, they might add a messy, smoky eye effect. But it is supposed to be imperfect with that French element of messiness.

So, the 6 products in a French woman’s bag include: a good foundation, a powder with a shine, a mascara, an eyeliner, and 2 lipsticks. Now that’s an idea everyone should try!

6. They spend good money on haircuts.

Women in France are sure of one thing: you can wear €10 clothes and nobody will ever know that they are cheap, but get a cheap haircut once and your appearance will be completely ruined. This is why they are ready to pay a fortune to a good hairstylist and they go back to the same person for many years.

Also, a good haircut doesn’t need any fixing, so you don’t have to style your hair every day, only on very special occasions.

5. They have a simple beauty routine.

If there is one thing a French woman really needs it’s expensive cosmetics like a good face cleanser, a sunscreen, and a moisturizer. They will often add different oils for body and hair to this list.

In France, women live according to “the less is more” principle. They use just a few cosmetic products, but the ones they use are expensive.

So, when it comes to peels that are used all over the world, French women don’t really use them. They prefer masks, they use them really often, and they use a lot of different kinds — because good masks restore and rejuvenate the skin.

4. They believe in natural eyebrows.

You will never see a real French woman who has very heavy eyebrows that are an unnaturally dark color. Instead, they take good care of their eyebrows, making sure that they stay healthy, big, and thick.

They may put a little makeup on their eyebrows, but most of the time they don’t even do that. They just use some gel for styling.

3. They don’t diet.

Not a single French women in her right mind would ever start a diet. They are completely sure: the short-term effect of a calorie deficit is not only not worth the effort, but will also damage the skin because of the lack of vitamins.

For them, the main secret to having a beautiful body is eating a little. They eat anything they want, but not a lot of it. And when they feel that they are full, they just stop eating, not feeling forced to finish the meal.

However, French women do try to avoid an excess of sugar in their diet because it damages the skin. But they are not afraid of foods with a lot of fat.

2. They believe in the power of cold showers.

French women know about the importance of having a cold shower after a hot bath. This stimulates the blood circulation and helps to keep the skin toned. As a result, they always look fresh and cool.

1. They accept themselves as they are, flaws and all.

French women rarely need the services of plastic surgeons. It is very unlikely that you will meet an actress, a model, or a fashion blogger in Paris who has a fake nose, cheekbones, or lips that have fillers.

French women learn to accept themselves as they are, flaws and all. This is what makes them so different and alive. This is why French women are always able to highlight their advantages and their uniqueness.

Do you have your own tricks for how to stay beautiful that have been passed on from generation to generation? Share them with us!

Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.

Preview photo credit kyliejenner / InstagramEast News

My Daughter’s Twin? I Confronted My Husband About a Possible Affair—What I Discovered Will Shock You

When a new family moved in next door, I couldn’t help but notice how much their daughter looked like mine. It made me suspicious. Could my husband be having an affair? I needed to ask him, but the truth I discovered was much worse than I expected.

Emma and Lily, my daughter, were playing together in our backyard. They were twirling around like two bright sunflowers trying to catch the sunlight. Their laughter should have made me happy, but instead, it made me feel uneasy.

I squinted, trying to find any difference between my daughter and the new neighbor’s girl. But it felt like I was looking at two identical pictures. They had the same golden curls shining in the sunlight, the same button noses, and the same playful sparkle in their eyes.

The only clear way I could tell Emma apart from Lily was that Emma was about an inch taller than her new friend.

“Heather?” Jack’s voice broke through my thoughts. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

I forced a smile and looked back at my husband. “Just thinking.”

I didn’t mention how I was worried that our perfect little world might be on shaky ground.

Jack looked confused for a moment, but then Emma came running over and grabbed his hand.

“Come push Lily and me on the swing, Dad!” she shouted.

“Uh… sure, sweetie.” His smile didn’t seem genuine as he let Emma lead him to the swing, where Lily was already waiting.

Source: Midjourney

“Can I go first, pleeease?” Lily asked.

“Okay, but then it’s Emma’s turn,” Jack replied.

As he helped Lily onto the swing, I couldn’t shake the feeling that they looked so comfortable together, like a father and daughter. That thought twisted my stomach with worry.

Later that night, after I tucked Emma in, I found myself looking through old photo albums. I flipped through pages of Emma’s baby pictures, hoping to find some feature that clearly showed she looked like Jack.

“What are you doing?” Jack’s voice startled me.

Source: Midjourney

He stood in the doorway, looking confused.

I quickly shut the album. “Nothing. Just… reminiscing.”

“Reminiscing…” he repeated, frowning a little as he looked over my shoulder at the photo album in my lap.

I could see the questions in his eyes, but he didn’t ask any. Just like I didn’t bring up the growing distance between us or why he always changed the subject when I mentioned our new neighbors.

Days turned into weeks, and my suspicions grew like weeds in a neglected garden. Every shared laugh between Jack and Lily, and every nervous glance when I mentioned the neighbors only fed the growing doubt in my mind.

One sleepless night, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I turned to Jack in bed.

“Is Lily your daughter?” I asked suddenly.

The words hung in the air like smoke, heavy and suffocating. Jack’s body went stiff.

Source: Midjourney

“What?” He turned slowly, his face full of shock. “Heather, what are you talking about? Where is this coming from?”

“Don’t play dumb, Jack. The girls look exactly alike. And you’ve been acting strange ever since Lily and her family moved in.” My voice trembled. “Just tell me the truth. Did you have an affair?”

Jack sat up, running a hand through his hair. “This is crazy. Of course, I didn’t have an affair! I promised you before God. How can you think I would break that?”

“Then why won’t you talk about them? Why do you shut down every time I mention Lily?”

He hung his head, and his silence spoke louder than words. I could almost hear him thinking, deciding what to say or not say.

“I can’t… I can’t talk about this right now,” he finally said, swinging his legs off the bed.

“Jack, don’t you dare walk away from me!”

But he was already out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts and fears.

Source: Midjourney

The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed and a note on the nightstand. “Gone to work early. We’ll talk tonight.”

Classic Jack, always avoiding confrontation.

I spent the day in a haze, trying to act normal while my mind raced with worry. By afternoon, I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed answers, and I knew just where to find them.

“Emma, sweetie,” I called out. “Why don’t you go play with Lily for a bit?”

Emma eagerly ran out the door, and I waited an hour before I followed, my heart pounding in my chest. I knocked on the neighbor’s door, forcing my best “neighborhood mom” smile onto my face.

Lily’s father answered, his friendly grin faltering slightly when he saw me. “Hey, it’s Heather, right? It’s so good to finally meet you! Please, come in. I’m Ryan. Emma’s out back with Lily if you’re looking for her.”

“I am… could you call her, please?” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

As soon as Ryan turned his back to call the girls, I started searching through his living room.

Source: Midjourney

There were many framed photos of Ryan and Lily with people who mostly shared Ryan’s dark hair and olive skin tones. I guessed they were his family. But why were there no photos of Lily’s mom?

Then it hit me—why had I never seen Lily’s mom?

I peeked down the hallway. That’s when a large photo of a blonde woman hanging on the wall upstairs caught my eye. Without thinking, I hurried up the stairs.

“What are you doing?” Ryan’s voice came from behind me, startling me.

Source: Midjourney

I turned and saw Ryan frowning at me. A million excuses rushed through my mind, but none came out. I had to know the truth.

“Is that Lily’s mom? Where is she?” I asked, pointing at the photo.

Ryan flinched. “Yeah… that’s Mary. She’s no longer with us.”

“Because of Jack?” I hurried down the stairs. “They had an affair, didn’t they? And that’s why Lily and Emma look so much alike, isn’t it?”

We talked for hours, and Jack finally shared years of family secrets and shame. With each revelation, I felt the space between us getting smaller.

As the sun began to set, I heard Emma and Lily’s laughter coming through the open window. Jack and I moved to the window to watch them, two golden heads bobbing in the fading light like sunflowers.

I leaned against him, feeling the steady beat of his heart. The girls still looked like two copies of the same photograph, but now I understood the deeper truth behind their resemblance.

The girls’ similar looks weren’t a sign of betrayal but a sign of healing: a second chance for a broken family.

Emma and Lily’s laughter echoed in the backyard again as they twirled around, and it felt like a promise of new beginnings. This time, the sound didn’t chill me; it warmed my heart.

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