Heartbreaking Tragedy: 18-Year-Old Dies Just Weeks After Collapsing at Graduation!

A sad event has happened in a community recently. An 18-year-old girl named Sienna Stewart passed away unexpectedly at her high school graduation ceremony.

Sienna had a heart transplant when she was very young, at just 8 years old. She had a condition called cardiomyopathy since she was 4 years old, which made her heart weak. The transplant helped her live a fairly normal life for 10 years, but earlier this year she started feeling unwell again.

Her mom, Saevon Chum, said Sienna had been having episodes where she would collapse. Tragically, one of these episodes happened during her graduation ceremony on May 23, 2024. Paramedics were already there trying to help when Saevon arrived.

The principal of Hiram High School asked for a moment to help Sienna when she collapsed. It was a very distressing moment for everyone there.

Sienna’s mom described how the ambulance was already on the scene when she arrived. This time, Sienna didn’t wake up after collapsing, which had never happened before.

The whole community is grieving for Sienna Stewart, remembering her as a young woman who faced health challenges with bravery.

Sienna woke up a few minutes later and decided she wanted to go to her graduation ceremony instead of going to the hospital.

“All she told me was, ‘I just want to graduate, I want to walk.’ That’s all she wanted, because she missed her prom earlier when she was in the hospital,” said her mom, Saevon.

Sadly, Sienna passed away on Wednesday, June 12, just a few weeks after getting her diploma.

“As a mom, you feel so proud because she fought through something that hurt her. You have to be proud. I was proud until the end,” Saevon said.

According to Sienna’s obituary, she had plans to go to college and study sonogram technology starting in the fall.

Rest in peace, Sienna Stewart.

Chris Christie Loudly Booed Off The Stage – Watch It Here

During the fourth Republican primary debate, former New Jersey Governor Christ Christie used the event as an opportunity to attack former President Donald Trump.

However, the audience at the debate made it very apparent that they were not pIeased with Christie’s slights toward Trump as they ruthlessly booed him.

Christie opened his anti-Trump statement, cIaiming the former Republican president will be a convicted felon by the time the 2024 election occurs. While Trump faces several tense legal battles ahead of the election, he remains undeterred, promising voters that he will reclaim the White House from Joe Biden despite the litigation.

I want you all to kind of picture in your mind. So election day, you all be heading to the polls to vote. And that’s something that Donald Trump will not be able to do. Because he will be convicted of felonies before then. And his right to vote will be taken away, Christie said.

Following this claim, the audience loudly booed the former governor, forcing Christie to defend his statement. The primary candidate, who bareIy qualified for the latest debate, claimed the crowd was denying reality by continuing to support Trump.
Watch the booing here:

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