Carol Burnett, an iconic American actor and comedian, is best known for her groundbreaking comedy-variety show, The Carol Burnett Show, which ran from 1967 to 1978. At 91, Burnett is still captivating audiences with her role in the Apple TV+ series Palm Royale, a drama set in 1969 Palm Beach, Florida.
Born on April 26, 1933, in San Antonio, Texas, Burnett was raised by her grandmother due to her parents’ alcoholism. They moved to Hollywood in the 1940s, and Burnett studied theatre at the University of Southern California.
Her big break came in 1957 on The Ed Sullivan Show with a comedic song that spoofed young women’s adoration for heartthrob Elvis Presley, making her an overnight sensation.
The Friends star was praised by fans after showcasing her natural hair colour on Instagram for the first time, with many branding it “refreshing”.
Just call it “The One With the Grey Hair.”
Jennifer Aniston is earning praise on Instagram for embracing her natural silver strands in a post announcing the latest launch from her haircare brand, LolaVie.
The 54-year-old’s new Intensive Repair Treatment is meant to be used once a week after shampooing to “reduce breakage and repair the look of existing damage while protecting from future damage,” per the product description.
“Sleep in it, an hour, whatever you want,” the Murder Mystery star recommended in an Instagram Reel.
Fans expressed their excitement over the launch in the comments section — and applauded Aniston for not hiding her own grey roots.
“Well done for allowing grey to come through – refreshing,” one wrote.
“So nice to see. And she’s obviously still gorgeous,” someone replied.
“I hope she stays natural – it’s much more attractive,” a third enthused.
Aniston has been famous for her luscious locks since her Friends days, having made “The Rachel” — her character’s signature shoulder-length, layered ‘do — a national sensation in the ’90s.
But these days, the Morning Show star doesn’t shy away from showing off her natural hair.
In November, Jen struck a post-shower pose on Instagram before styling her damp waves with a little help from LolaVie.
Aniston announced the launch of LolaVie in 2021. Now, the popular celebrity beauty brand even counts fellow Brad Pitt ex Gwyneth Paltrow as a fan.
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