Finding a house that fits your criteria perfectly can be a challenge. Sometimes you have to compromise on a few aspects in order to find a home. However, there are certain things no one is willing to compromise on.

This is the story of a house that seems ordinary enough from the outside but when you peak a look inside… you understand why no one is will to buy it.

A home listed in the UK seemed to be perfect. The listed described it as a home with four bedrooms, a master suite, a garage and a perfectly manicured garden. The listing also included the fact that the home had been maintained to a “high standard” but it seemed like no one wanted to buy it. The reason for that was soon revealed when the pictures of the home’s interior came to light.

Everything inside the interior of the home was purple. The paint on all the walls was of course purple but it did not stop there. The floor was also purple, and the ceilings and the curtains were all purple as well.

The closet doors in the master suite also happened to be a garish purple color. While one might reason that the walls are easy enough to paint over, fixures such as closet doors can be a hassle to replace.

While the inside of the house is a parade of purple, the outside or the exterior of the house has remained unscathed by the color. The garden is also normal looking, not betraying what the inside of the home looks like. The home is listed for £400,000 which is approximately $500 thousand.

Unless the next owner of the property also adores the color purple, something must change.

Would you be willing to live in this house?

WATCH : MSNBC’s Clueless Host Stunned into Silence by Vivek Ramaswamy

Former GOP hopefuI Vivek Ramaswamy has gained some steam, back before he dropped out and sided with former President Donald Trump.

Back in the heady early days of the runup to the GOP primary, Vivek was largely considered the winner of the first Republican debate, and the fact that most of the other hopefuls on stage directly atta cked Ramaswamy as opposed to Florida governor Ron DeSantis was quite telling.

It had been assumed that if former President Donald Trump had any actuaI competition, it would come from the Florida governor. Many pundits had assumed the debate would be a knives-out attack on DeSantis. Instead, he faded into the background, avoiding any heavy blows from the likes of Chris Christie and Nikki Haley.

Ramaswamy, the Cincinnati-born entrepreneur, has run largely on the populist platform used by Donald Trump. He espouses America-first policies, more border security, cutting off funding for foreign wa rs, and a climate change stance that immediately has run afoul of the left.

On the debate stage, Ramaswamy called climate change a hoax, eIiciting cheers from the crowd but derision from the other GOP challengers. The young upstart contender recently went on leftist MSNBC and was attacked by Andre Mitchell about his climate change stance.

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