Kathy Bates: A Brave Warrior Fighting Against Cancer

Narratives of affluent Hollywood stars grappling with health issues serve as a reminder that they are akin to us. The Academy Award-winning actress Kathy Bates talked candidly about her fight with cancer and the difficulties she endured in silence during a recent interview on the Dr. Phil program. Even though she was well-known, Bates ended up portraying a brave heroine in a true story, overcoming cancer twice.

She said in 2012 that she had been cancer-free for nine years and had triumphantly battled ovarian cancer. But a few weeks ago, she received the heartbreaking news that she had breast cancer. She likened the moment she was given this devastating diagnosis as being in a room that was scarier than something from an American Horror Story.

In 2003, Bates had already gone through a trying time due to ovarian cancer. She kept her fight a secret while enduring grueling surgery and nine months of chemotherapy. She told just a select few people about it, including PEOPLE magazine, and stated, “It really took a lot out of me, but I didn’t want anyone to know.”

She overcame ovarian cancer and maintained her cancer-free status for many years because to her tenacity and fortitude. But when her doctor told her that the cancer had come back, this time in her breast, her fight was far from done. Bates wasn’t totally shocked by this setback, noting that breast cancer runs in her family.

Bates decided to have a double mastectomy in order to halt the spread of her breast cancer. She turned her tragedy into inspiration for other women rather than letting it break her soul. Bates kept her vibrant personality and sense of humor despite hardship. She cracked a joke, saying, “I miss ‘Harry’s Law’ more than my breasts,” and thanked her followers for their continuous support through her lowest points.

Bates no longer has cancer, but because her lymph nodes were removed, she now suffers from lymphedema. About 30% of breast cancer survivors have this illness, which makes daily living uncomfortable due to pain and edema. But Bates won’t allow it to define who she is. She candidly recounts her experience in an effort to inspire other women to make routine checkups a priority and to reassure them that they are not fighting this battle alone.

In addition, Bates has agreed to represent the Lymphatic Education & Research Network (LE&RN) by using her platform to advocate for people with lymphedema and to increase public awareness of the condition.

Bates has gained resilience and a sense of purpose over her experience. “I’m grateful that my difficulties have given me a sense of purpose,” she muses. It’s intriguing how events unfold in that manner.

The conversation with Kathy Bates illuminates the difficulties she overcame and offers hope to anyone who might be going through comparable struggles. Her experience serves as a reminder that, given enough willpower, empathy, and encouragement, we can turn our own hardships into assets.

19-year-old Christian Burrows brings judges to tears with song about late brother

A 19 year old named Cristian walked in front of the judges and said he saw Ed Sheeran playing a show and wanted to be like him. Simon Cowell replied, “but you know with him it’s all about the songs?” Cristian replied, “I write songs myself” prompting Simon to ask, “Can we hear one of your songs?”. Slightly hesitantly, Cristian replies, “you can, yeah” and slowly added, “I’ve got a song that I wrote for my brother who passed away when I was only young”. Simon asked if he was sure he wanted to perform it and Cristian said, “I think I’m ready to.” He then showcased some of the most beautifully written lyrics heard in an audition leaving all the judges with a lump in their throat. Cristian’s heartfelt audition went on to receive over 14 million views as his authentic songwriting captured the hearts of millions. Watch video in comments below.

Talent shows are full of surprises and that is one of the reasons we get so addicted to them. We never know if that shy girl who’s trembling on the stage would be the next star, or if the boy who can’t wait to let his voice loose would get a pass for the next round. What we do know, however, is that some of the performances are so powerful they stay with us long after we see them.

When Christian Burrows took the stage of one of the most popular music talent shows, The X Factor, not many believed he would make many cry.

When Simon asked him what he prepared for them, Christian said he’d penned a song about the loss of his baby brother Nathan who passed away at just three months old.

“I’ve got a song that I wrote for my brother who passed away when I was only young,” he told Simon, who asked him if he was certain he wanted to perform such a personal and emotional song. Christian said he believed he was ready, but no one was prepared for what followed.

Image: Syco/Thames/Dymond

The lyrics of Thunder Buddy, which Christian performed in front of the entire nation, touched everyone’s heart.

Before his son saw the light of the day, Christian only performed it twice in his life; once for his mom and once for his dad.

He left the stage with four yeses and proud of his performance that left some of the judges in tears.

Image: Syco/Thames/Dymond

Following his appearance on the show, Christian spoke to Metro Online and shared the heartbreak his family suffered when his brother passed away. At the time, Christian was 2 and a half years old and although he doesn’t remember anything specifically, he said he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of relationship he and his late brother would have now.

You can see this young man’s performance in the video below.

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