Moms are those special creatures who guide us, love us, and would give the world for our well-being. They are often the primary caregivers, providing the first model of emotional behavior for the little ones.
However, while they are always there for their children, moms also go through tough times and sleepless nights.
A woman shared the experience of being a mother and how it drained every atom of her energy, but a single look at her children returned her strength and energy every single time.
She started her story by sharing a photo she found in her phone that her husband took the previous night. It showed her and her young daughter sleeping together. She would usually get mad at someone taking a photo of her while asleep, but this one was special because it spoke of the struggles and the joys of motherhood.
She spoke of not normally washing her hair and keeping it in a bun, and that her clothes are often stained with food and spits, her makeup is nowhere to be found, but this image her husband took would always serve as a reminder of how glamorous parenting really is.
Among the crying, the diapers, and all the mess, there are those tiny eyes that look at you as though you are the center of the world, and those gentle hugs that make you forget of all the troubles.
“I won’t mind the hectic evenings as much as holding and snuggling my infants to sleep. I can feel their little chests breathing in and out as their tiny fingers wrap around my own.”
“The ability to calm my children down with only a hug and a kiss on the forehead will bother me more than the weeping outbursts,” she wrote.
“I would like to reflect on this period in my life.
“I don’t want to forget this phase of parenting, no matter how difficult and stressful it might be.”
Doctor discusses the dangers of kissing someone who passed away and the health risks it can create
When we lose someone close, we feel overwhelmed. Sadness and grief settle in our heart and the thought of never seeing that person again can be unbearable.
However, despite these feelings and the urge to kiss the person whom we lost, a doctor from Moldova, Dr. Viktor Ivanovik, shares the risks associated with kissing someone deceased. His video, in which he discusses this highly sensitive topic, has caused a widespread discussion and debate on social media.
According to him, around nine hours after someone dies, the body starts to decompose, a natural process during which bacteria from the decomposing tissues start to surface.
These bacteria can pose health risks to individuals who come into contact with the body, particularly through kissing.
He says he’s perfectly aware that this practice is seen as a final farewell and sort of respect towards the deceased person, but he believes people should be aware of the risk they put themselves into by unknowingly expose themselves to harmful pathogens.
As expected, people’s opinions were divided.
“I kissed my father and would do it again, no matter the risk! He is my father!” one person commented. Others, however, appreciated his advice and wrote they would reconsider their decision of kissing someone who has died as a final goodbye no matter the emotional connection they had with the deceased.
Dr. Ivanovik emphasized the issue of one’s sense of smell being affected if kissing someone who passed away.
The body’s decomposition can produce an unpleasant odor that might remain in one’s memory longer than expected. Some people report a significant change in their sense of smell and taste after such an act, adding another layer of complexity to the already emotional farewell experience.
“Honestly, I don’t think anyone can resist not kissing their parent on the hand or forehead one last time. I kissed my father’s hand for the last time,” a follower commented.
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