This pit bull with a sweet appetite does the same thing you did as a child when you heard the music from the ice cream truck arriving.

When an ice cream truck arrived at her house, she was ecstatic.
When her mother arrived with some cash, she hurried over to the truck, took her place in line, sat down, and waited.

When it was their turn, the puppy sat close to the window and watched her mother give them the money. She then saw what she had been hoping to see.

When the mother of the pit bull offered her the ice cream, she quickly devoured it all and proceeded in search of more.

Hey, don’t criticize a woman for trying!
20 dogs rescued from China’s meat trade, on way to LAX

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Twenty dogs get a new lease on life after being rescued from China’s meat trade.
The dogs are due to arrive at LAX this Tuesday.
The rescued dogs include 16 golden retrievers, two corgis, 1 poodle and 1 malamute.
After their arrival. they will then be sent to their forever homes throughout the U.S.
Their rescue was a team effort between China Rescue Dogs, SPCA International, Seven Golden Retriever Rescues and WeatherTech CEO David MacNeil.

The rescued dogs will also participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony for Rue’s Kennels at LAX, a nonprofit airport animal care facility built to help rescue dogs from around the world.
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