Teens Kicked Out of School for ‘Blackface’ Photo Receive $1 Million After Proving it Was Acne Mask

After demonstrating that the “Blackface” photo was an acne mask, teens who were expelled for it were awarded $1 million.

A miscommunication at Mountain View, California’s Saint Francis High School resulted in the expulsion of a few pupils in 2017. Since the school thought these children had worn blackface, there were severe repercussions right away. It was eventually discovered, though, that the pupils were only using an acne treatment mask. The kids have received a $1 million compensation as a result of this realization, which has caused a significant turn in the events.

Trouble Resulted from Blackface

A picture of three 14-year-old boys from the school went viral online and sparked uproar, which sparked the start of the trouble. The boys were charged with making fun of a terrible period in American history. It was quickly ascertained, although, that this was a misunderstanding. The boys were only helping a friend who was using a skincare mask to treat his acne.

Highlighted was Saint Francis High School, which is renowned for its rigorous academic standards and dedication to student growth. Although the contentious image was uploaded in 2017, it wasn’t until 2020—during a time of increased sensitivity to racial issues—that it came to light.

Gaining Notoriety During Debate

In 2020, the year of the COVID-19 epidemic and major social turmoil, the photo went viral. Since it seemed to depict the students in blackface, they were expelled right away. The boys encountered strong criticism from their community; their identities have been withheld for their security.

The lads said that the reason for their faces’ dark color was an acne mask that begins green and becomes darker as it dries. The miscommunication caused by the photo’s brightness further led to the boys being falsely accused by school officials.

Blackface Myths

After reviewing the case this week, the Santa Clara County Court concluded that the boys had been unfairly charged. The lads were expelled without having received the requisite due process, the court found. This means that every student will get $500,000 in addition to their $70,000 tuition being paid back. “This case is significant not only for our clients but for its groundbreaking effect on all private high schools in California,” said Krista Baughman, one of the teen’s attorneys. The unfairness of Saint Francis High School’s practices was duly confirmed by the jury.

The lads initially accused the school of defamation and breaching their right to free speech, and they launched a lawsuit seeking $20 million. Even though they didn’t get the entire sum, their families and legal team view the settlement as a win.

Saint Francis High School has stated that it disagrees with the court’s ruling and is thinking about all of its legal options, including filing an appeal. “We want to sincerely thank the jury and the court system for helping our boys and our families find justice and clear their names,” said a statement from one of the boys’ families.

Amazing Skincare

The mislabeled mask was actually a part of an Origins skincare collection. Origins, a well-known brand in skincare thanks to its natural approach, has been around since the 1980s and offers a variety of products that address everything from oil control to face brightening. Due to its dedication to using only plant-based components, the brand is well-known all over the world.

Given the racial tensions that exist in the nation today, it is not shocking that a picture that seems to depict blackface would be misinterpreted. Dark-colored substances like charcoal have gained popularity in cosmetic goods like acne masks and toothpaste that whitens teeth. Particularly in the beauty sector, these goods are here to stay.

My Neighbor Was Complaining That I Went Out Bra-Less, I Responded With a Petty Revenge

Sometimes, our relationship with our neighbors may be just epic. There’re people who dislike literally everything, and they may add a grain of salt to our lives by their permanent claims. Such thing happened to our today’s heroine, who wrote a letter to our editorial to tell us about an absurd claim from her neighbor. The woman, however, never lost her temper and provided her neighbor with an epic feedback that she will probably not be able to forget.

A woman wrote to us to tell her, nearly dramatic, story.

A young woman, 20, has written a letter to our editorial. She told us about an incident that happened to her recently, and she revealed how she handled it, in a very unusual way. The woman began her story, saying, that she lives in a college dorm and their accommodation is arranged in a way that they have all-female floors.

The woman revealed that, by some reason, she has always been quarreling with her neighbors, who are her fellow groupmates. They live next door to her, and they have always been complaining about everything and anything.

She wrote, «Sometimes, it really looked like these 4 ladies hated me, for nothing. I barely talked to them, and we hadn’t had anything in common with them. I can’t remember doing anything wrong to them, but they would still always tease me and complain about me to our principals. I tried to remain calm, always ignoring their remarks and complaints, until one day.»

The woman faced the most absurd claim in her life from her dorm neighbors.

The young lady goes on with her story, saying, that in that group of people, who were permanently dissatisfied with her only existence, there was an «informal leader», a girl named Donna. She has been very nasty since their first meeting in the dorm, and she had always been the source of never-ending complaints about our heroine.

The woman wrote, «Donna has a boyfriend, who doesn’t attend our college, and, despite the strict rules for visitors, they breach all of them, and he comes to her room regularly. I knew about that, and I was never complaining about this, because I didn’t want to be like these people. But Donna was purposefully provoking me for some reactions.»

«She was spreading the rumors that I was a light-minded person and that I was trying to seduce her boyfriend, which wasn’t true at all, I just didn’t care about him and I even didn’t pay attention on what he actually looked like. If someone asked me to point at him in a crowd, I’d never do that, because I wouldn’t even recognize him. All these rumors were just rumors, and Donna was trying to make a stir, obviously, and to grab some of other people’s attention.»

Donna paid an immense attention even to our heroine’s outfits.

The woman wrote, «One day, I left my room and went down the hall to the water fountain. I refilled my water bottle, and returned back to my room. At that moment, I was wearing a red tank top and no bra. My top was fitted, but it wasn’t see through. There was a group of people hanging out in the hall, but I didn’t pay a lot of attention. An hour later, I got a violent knock on the door and there was Donna, and she was shouting at me from the beginning.»

The woman goes on, saying, «Donna was totally furious, and she shouted that if I go out into the hall again I must put a bra on. She said that her boyfriend was out there, and he was staring at me.»

The woman admitted that she has always been super non-confrontational, but this time she was fuming. She didn’t show her emotions at that moment, but she already knew what to do next.

The woman’s petty revenge came instantly.

The fed up woman wanted to compromise at first. She wrote, «I saw no problem in wearing a bra, but then I just thought that this unfair attitude would go on and on, until I react to it somehow. Next time they would complain about anything else, not less absurd than this time. I wasn’t just ready for this, I wanted to live a normal life from then on. So, I did what Donna wanted me to do, but in my own way.»

The woman revealed, «As soon as Donna asked me to wear a bra, I did this next time I left my room. But I was wearing jeans and my sports bra, and nothing else. So, technically, I did what she wanted me to do, I wore a bra.»

«Her eyes were very wide when she saw me going to the bathroom like this. But she didn’t say anything anymore. She was obviously shocked and couldn’t provide any arguments against my actions. The floor was all-female, no men were ever allowed there, and if she was the person who breached the rules, she was the one who would handle the consequences then.»

And here’re the stories of 15 people, whose revenge to their offenders was so smart, that it deserved to be called an art.

Preview photo credit bruce mars / Unsplash

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