Tras la muerte de su esposa, viudo descubre que llevaban más de 20 años divorciados – Historia del día

La esposa de Sergio, Clara, murió inesperadamente y nunca dejó un testamento. Cuando el viudo empezó a organizar su herencia, su abogado descubrió que llevaban más de 20 años divorciados por la razón más extraña. Entonces apareció el heredero de Clara.

Clara y Sergio se casaron a finales de los 80 y decidieron criar a sus hijos en Barcelona. Pero solo tuvieron una hija, Jazmín. Por desgracia, en el año 2000, ella se mezcló con la gente equivocada.

Cuando Jazmín cumplió 18 años abandonó la casa y no tuvo más contacto con sus padres. Su novio, Pedro, fue una horrible influencia para ella y le llenó la cabeza con mentiras sobre ellos.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos | Foto: Pexels

Imagen con fines ilustrativos | Foto: Pexels

Hacía más de diez años que no veían a Jazmín, pero aún mantenían la esperanza de que volviera algún día. Pero Clara tuvo un inesperado ataque al corazón y los médicos no pudieron hacer nada. Murió y Sergio tenía el corazón destrozado.

Ni siquiera sabía si Jazmín se enteraría de la muerte de su madre. Pero tenía que poner en orden los asuntos de Clara. Ella no había dejado un testamento ni nada porque todavía eran muy jóvenes. No esperaba perderla tan pronto.

Después del funeral, Sergio se reunió con su abogado, Daniel Contreras. “Sr. Rodríguez, mis condolencias. Odio reunirme en estas circunstancias, pero es importante arreglar todo”, dijo Contreras.

“Sí, Sr. Contreras. También quiero preparar mis asuntos, por si acaso. Nunca se sabe lo que puede pasar”, respondió Sergio.

“Así es. Pero hay algo que tengo que decirle. Mi secretaria organizó todos los documentos pertinentes relativos a la señora Rodríguez después de su llamada, y hay un pequeño problema”, comenzó el señor Contreras.

“¿Qué pasa?”, se preguntó Sergio, confundido.

“Bueno… según la documentación, usted y la señora Rodríguez se divorciaron a principios de la década de 2000”, explicó el abogado.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

“¿Qué? Eso es imposible. No pasamos ni una noche separados desde que nos casamos. Debe haber un error”, señaló Sergio.

“Estamos intentando averiguar qué ha pasado. Pero esa es la situación que tenemos ahora. Como están divorciados, su familiar más cercano heredará su patrimonio”, explicó el señor Contreras.

“Esa sería Jazmín, supongo. Pero no entiendo cómo es posible. ¿Pudo divorciarse sin mi consentimiento? Y si lo hizo, ¿por qué siguió viviendo conmigo?”, preguntó Sergio.

“A menos que ella llevara un diario, no tengo forma de responder a sus preguntas. Pero no sería posible divorciarse sin su firma. Sin embargo, no se preocupe. Estamos investigando a fondo este asunto. De momento, tengo que ponerme en contacto con su hija”, explicó el abogado.

“Estamos distanciados. Hace muchos años que no la veo ni sé nada de ella. Supongo que Jazmín recibiría los ahorros de Clara, ¿no?”, reflexionó Sergio.

“También se queda con su casa, señor Rodríguez. Está a nombre de su esposa. Tal vez pueda llegar a un acuerdo con ella. Eso es todo por ahora. Me pondré en contacto con usted si hay alguna novedad”, terminó el señor Contreras. Sergio salió de la reunión boquiabierta.

No podía creer que Clara se hubiera divorciado de él. Tiene que ser un error, pensó al salir del despacho de su abogado. Unos días después, Sergio oyó varios golpes fuertes en su puerta. Era su hija.

“¡Jazmín! ¡Querida! Me alegro tanto de verte!”, expresó Sergio y empezó a llorar. Pero la cara de Jazmín no mostraba emoción.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

“El abogado dijo que el dinero de mamá es mío, y también esta casa, ¿verdad?”, dijo Jazmín al entrar en el salón.

“Uf… supongo, pero hay un error, así que están revisando las cosas”, murmuró. Pero su hija se paseó por la zona, mirando a su alrededor.

“Bueno, como sea. Voy a necesitar que te vayas lo antes posible cuando esto se aclare. Lo siento, pero yo quiero vivir aquí ahora”, dijo ella.

“Jazmín, esta es mi casa. No tengo otro sitio al que ir. ¿No podemos hablar de esto?”, suplicó Sergio.

“Lo siento, no. No quiero hacer eso. Te corté por una razón. No apoyaste mi relación y no quiero tener nada que ver contigo”, continuó.

“¿Sigues con ese vagabundo?”, preguntó Sergio enfadado.

“No, pero mi punto de vista sigue en pie. Las cosas habrían sido mucho más fáciles si lo hubieras aceptado. Pero no…”, se burló Jazmín.

“¡Jazmín, tu madre acaba de morir! ¿Y eso no te importa?”, gruñó Sergio. Ella lo miró con una expresión inexpresiva, como si realmente no importara, y se encogió de hombros.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

“Bueno, la herencia no se ha resuelto, así que sal de mi casa ahora mismo. Estoy muy decepcionada contigo. Eres una mujer adulta y ni siquiera puedes mostrar un poco de compasión”, acusó Sergio.

Jazmín se burló. “Bien, me iré. Pero esta casa es mía, y cuando todo se arregle, ¡te irás de aquí para siempre!”, gritó y se fue.

Sergio se sentó y se frotó la frente. ¿En qué nos hemos equivocado, Clara?, se preguntó al cielo.

El señor Contreras llamó dos semanas después. “Sr. Rodríguez, hemos descubierto lo que pasó. En 2001, una mujer con el nombre exacto de su esposa, Clara Rodríguez, solicitó el divorcio. Pero su marido la maltrataba y no quiso firmarla”, reveló el abogado.

“Oh, vaya”, susurró Sergio por teléfono.

“Sí. Así que su abogado consiguió que los tribunales concedieran el divorcio sin su firma. Al parecer, hubo una gran confusión en la oficina y se divorciaron por accidente. ¡Esto es una locura! No he visto este tipo de situación en toda mi carrera!”, exclamó el abogado.

“¿Pero se puede revertir?”, preguntó Sergio, aliviado de que su mujer no se hubiera divorciado en secreto.

“Sí, tenemos que mostrar todo a un juez y ellos aclararán las cosas. Pero me siento mal por esa mujer que sigue casada con ese hombre”, afirmó Contreras.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Pexels

Poco después acudieron al juzgado y Sergio recibió la herencia de Clara como su marido. Jazmín asistió a la audiencia y estaba furiosa con la decisión del juez. Tomó sus maletas y salió de la sala.

Pero Sergio corrió tras ella. “¡Jazmín, espera! Por favor. Espera”, le gritó hasta que se detuvo en el pasillo.

“¿Qué quieres? Tú lo consigues todo y yo nada, como querías”, le espetó Jazmín.

“Eso no es lo que quería. Estaba dispuesto a darte la casa. Ya lo he arreglado todo para que lo heredes todo cuando yo no esté. Pero lo que quiero es recuperar a mi hija. Por favor, dame una oportunidad para reconstruir nuestra relación”, le rogó Sergio.

Justo en ese momento, Jazmín finalmente mostró emoción y sus ojos se aguaron. “Yo… no sé si puedo hacerlo. Ha pasado tanto tiempo”, comenzó.

“Por favor, visitemos juntos la tumba de tu madre. Olvidemos y perdonémonos por todo. Somos toda la familia que nos queda en el mundo. No quiero volver a perderte, cariño”, gritó Sergio.

Jazmín se derrumbó y corrió a los brazos de Sergio. Se abrazaron con fuerza durante muchos minutos. Después, se fueron juntos a casa. Jazmín le explicó lo horrible que había sido su vida desde que se fue hace años.

“Debería haberte escuchado. Pero fui tan estúpida. Es como si mi ex me hubiera llenado la cabeza con tantas mentiras. Pero luego, cuando me deshice de él, no me atreví a enfrentarme a ti… a pedirte perdón. Tenía tanto miedo”, explicó Jazmín entre lágrimas.

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Shutterstock

Imagen con fines ilustrativos. | Foto: Shutterstock

“Lo siento mucho. Deberíamos haber escuchado mejor. Tal vez podríamos haber hecho más por ti. Pero ahora, tenemos que mirar hacia adelante. Estás aquí, y estamos empezando de nuevo. Te perdono. ¿Me perdonas por no haber luchado más?”, recalcó Sergio.

“Yo también te perdono, papá. Vamos a empezar de nuevo”, le dijo Jazmín.

Clara, hemos recuperado a nuestro bebé, pensó mientras volvía a abrazar a su hija.

¿Qué podemos aprender de esta historia?

  • Perdonar a los demás por los errores del pasado: Nunca se sabe lo que puede pasar y lo corta que puede ser la vida.
  • Poner en orden tus asuntos: Clara murió inesperadamente sin testamento, y eso creó un gran problema para sus familiares vivos. Es mejor tener todo preparado incluso cuando se es joven.

Comparte esta historia con tus amigos. Puede que les alegre el día y les inspire.

Este relato está inspirado en la vida cotidiana de nuestros lectores y ha sido escrito por un redactor profesional. Cualquier parecido con nombres o ubicaciones reales es pura coincidencia. Todas las imágenes mostradas son exclusivamente de carácter ilustrativo. Comparte tu historia con nosotros, podría cambiar la vida de alguien.

My MIL Asked to Have Our Kids for a Week over the Holidays – When I Went to Pick Them Up, My Heart Shattered

When my mother-in-law insisted on hosting my kids for a holiday break, I thought it was harmless—grandma bonding time and a little breather for me. What I didn’t expect was the gut-wrenching discovery that would change everything about how I saw her.

I’m Abby, 34, and I’ve been married to my husband, Brad, for seven years. We have two kids: Lucas, 8, and Sophie, 6. My mother-in-law, Jean, is in her late 60s. We’ve always had what I’d call a cordial relationship—polite smiles, small talk, the occasional dinner invite.

Woman and her mother in law preparing dinner | Source: Midjourney

Woman and her mother in law preparing dinner | Source: Midjourney

But Jean has always been… intense. There’s this energy about her, you know? Like she’s trying to prove she’s the perfect grandmother, but she can be controlling.

“She’s just old-fashioned,” Brad would say with a shrug whenever I mentioned it. “She means well.”

I tried to believe that. For years, I brushed off the little things. Her insistence on calling Lucas her boy or the time she scolded Sophie for eating with her hands, saying, “Not under my roof, young lady!”

Senior woman having dinner with her grandchild | Source: Midjourney

Senior woman having dinner with her grandchild | Source: Midjourney

But when Jean called me last month, her voice cheerful, and asked, “Abby, how would you feel about me taking Lucas and Sophie for a whole week during their holiday break?” my stomach did a tiny flip.

“A week?” I repeated, caught off guard.

“Yes! I’d love to have them all to myself—just spoil them rotten. You and Brad could use the time, couldn’t you? A little break?”

I glanced at Brad, who gave me a thumbs up. “They’ll have fun,” he added.

“Okay,” I agreed hesitantly.

Woman on phone | Source: Midjourney

Woman on phone | Source: Midjourney

She practically squealed with excitement. “Oh, don’t you worry about a thing, dear. They’ll be in good hands.”

Before sending them off, I gave Jean $1,000 for their expenses.

“Jean,” I said as I handed her the envelope, “this is just to make sure you don’t have to dip into your savings for food or anything they might need this week.”

She looked surprised at first but then beamed. “Oh, Abby, that’s so thoughtful of you! Don’t worry, I’ll put it to good use. These kids are going to have the best week ever.”

Woman handing an envelope to her mother in law | Source: Midjourney

Woman handing an envelope to her mother in law | Source: Midjourney

The week crawled by, slower than I expected. I thought I’d enjoy the quiet, but I found myself reaching for my phone to call Lucas and Sophie more often than I should have.

When the day finally came to pick them up, I was practically vibrating with excitement. I couldn’t wait to see their little faces and hear about their week. But as I pulled up to Jean’s house, I felt uneasy.

The house looked the same as always, but something felt… wrong. Maybe it was just me being silly. Or maybe it was the way Jean opened the door.

“Abby! You’re here!” she greeted me with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

Senior woman opening her door | Source: Midjourney

Senior woman opening her door | Source: Midjourney

“Hi, Jean! How were they?” I asked, stepping inside.

“Oh, wonderful,” she replied, her voice shaky. But something about her demeanor felt… off. She was too cheerful, too composed like she was holding onto a script.

I glanced around the house, expecting to hear the usual chaos of toys clattering or kids yelling. But the house was silent. Dead silent.

“Where are the kids?” I asked again, glancing around the empty living room. Normally, by now, they’d be running to me with hugs and excited stories.

Anxious woman in a large living room | Source: Midjourney

Anxious woman in a large living room | Source: Midjourney

Jean’s smile didn’t waver, but something was unsettling about the way she clasped her hands together. “Oh, they’re inside,” she said breezily, gesturing toward the house. “They’ve been so busy today—lots of work.”

I frowned. “Work? What kind of work?”

Jean chuckled nervously and waved her hand like I was being silly. “Oh, just little things. Helping out their grandma. You know how kids are, always eager to lend a hand!”

Senior woman smirking | Source: Midjourney

Senior woman smirking | Source: Midjourney

I didn’t know what she meant by “work,” but her tone was off—too sweet, too dismissive. My motherly instincts kicked in, and I felt uneasy.

“Where exactly are they, Jean” I asked, my voice firm now.

Her eyes darted toward the hallway, then back at me. “In the backyard,” she said finally. “They’ve been helping me with the garden. They’re such little troopers!”

I didn’t wait for more excuses. I followed the faint sounds of voices to the sliding glass door. As I stepped outside, the cool air hit me, but it did nothing to stop the wave of dread washing over me.

Anxious woman in the backyard. | Source: Midjourney

Anxious woman in the backyard. | Source: Midjourney

“Lucas? Sophie?” I called out.

Then I saw them. My heart sank.

Lucas and Sophie stood there, their small faces smeared with dirt, their eyes filled with exhaustion and relief as they clung to me. Lucas’ clothes were worn and covered in stains, and Sophie’s shirt had a tear on the shoulder. Neither outfit looked familiar—certainly not what I had packed for them.

Boy and girl digging in the garden | Source: Midjourney

Boy and girl digging in the garden | Source: Midjourney

“Mom!” Lucas gasped, throwing his arms around me. Sophie followed, her tiny frame trembling as she buried her face into my side.

“What is going on here?” I demanded, turning to Jean, my voice shaking with anger. “Why are they out here like this? They were supposed to be having fun, not working!”

Lucas looked up at me, his voice quivering. “Grandma said we had to help. She told us if we worked hard, we’d go to the park… but we never went, Mom.”

Sophie added, “She made us dig all day, Mommy. I wanted to stop, but she said we had to finish first.”

Exhausted little girl standing in the garden | Source: Midjourney

Exhausted little girl standing in the garden | Source: Midjourney

I turned to Jean, who was now standing a few feet away, her arms crossed defensively.

“Jean!” I shouted, my voice breaking. “You promised me you’d spoil them this week, not turn them into laborers! What is this?!”

Jean’s face flushed, and she shifted awkwardly on her feet. “Oh, don’t exaggerate, Abby,” she said, her tone dismissive. “They were eager to help. And why not? A little hard work never hurt anyone. They’ve learned valuable lessons about responsibility and discipline.”

Senior woman arguing with her daughter-in-law | Source: Midjourney

Senior woman arguing with her daughter-in-law | Source: Midjourney

“Responsibility? Discipline?” My voice rose, trembling with rage. “They’re children, Jean! They’re supposed to be playing, laughing, being kids—not breaking their backs in your garden! How could you think this was okay?”

Jean threw up her hands, her voice defensive now. “They need to learn that life isn’t all fun and games! You’re raising them to be spoiled, Abby. I was just trying to help!”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady the storm of emotions swirling inside me. I couldn’t let my anger consume me, not in front of the kids. But I needed answers.

Disappointed woman | Source: Midjourney

Disappointed woman | Source: Midjourney

“Jean,” I said, my voice low and controlled, “where’s the $1,000 I gave you for groceries and activities?”

She hesitated, her gaze darting toward the ground. “Oh, I didn’t need to use it for groceries,” she said, forcing a casual shrug. “The kids didn’t need all that food. And I thought… I thought I could use the money for… other things.”

My stomach churned. “Other things? What do you mean by that?”

Jean’s face turned red as she mumbled, “I… I didn’t use the money for the kids. I’ve been struggling with my bills, and I thought if I could get some help with the house and the garden, I could save some money.”

Senior woman arguing with her daughter-in-law | Source: Midjourney

Senior woman arguing with her daughter-in-law | Source: Midjourney

For a moment, I couldn’t speak. The betrayal hit me like a punch to the gut. “So, you used my children as free labor?” I said, my voice trembling.

She flinched but didn’t deny it. “It wasn’t like that, Abby,” she insisted, her voice defensive. “I thought it would be good for them—teach them hard work.”

“Hard work?” I repeated, my voice rising. “They’re kids, Jean! I gave you that money so you could give them a week of fun and memories. Not… this.” I gestured toward the backyard, where Lucas and Sophie sat on the porch, their small faces pale and weary.

Tired boy and girl sitting on the porch | Source: Midjourney

Tired boy and girl sitting on the porch | Source: Midjourney

It hit me then—this wasn’t just about the garden. Jean had always tried to exert control, to show she knew best, and now she’d dragged my kids into her twisted sense of right and wrong.

I knelt in front of Lucas and Sophie, pulling them into my arms. “I’m so sorry, babies,” I whispered, my voice cracking. “This isn’t what I wanted for you.”

I stood, turning back to Jean, whose head hung low in shame. “Jean,” I said, my voice steady but sharp, “we’re leaving. My kids deserve to be kids—not workers in your garden.”

Guilty senior woman talking to her daughter in law | Source: Midjourney

Guilty senior woman talking to her daughter in law | Source: Midjourney

Her lips trembled as she stammered, “I… I thought I was doing the right thing.”

I shook my head. “No, Jean. You didn’t.”

Without another word, I picked up Sophie, took Lucas by the hand, and led them into the house to gather their things. We were done here.

As we stepped outside, the crisp evening air hit my face, a stark contrast to the suffocating tension inside Jean’s house.

Woman walking away from her mother-in-law's house | Source: Midjourney

Woman walking away from her mother-in-law’s house | Source: Midjourney

Lucas clung tightly to my hand, and Sophie nestled into my arms, her head resting on my shoulder. Their silence was heavier than words, their little bodies weighed down by exhaustion.

“Please, Abby,” Jean called after us, her voice cracking. “Don’t be angry. They’ve learned so much. It was just… it was just a mistake.”

I stopped and slowly, I turned to face her. She stood in the doorway, her expression a mix of desperation and guilt. For a moment, I considered responding, but what could I say that would change anything? The damage was already done.

Guilty senior woman standing in her doorway | Source: Midjourney

Guilty senior woman standing in her doorway | Source: Midjourney

“No, Jean,” I said finally, my voice firm but calm. “This wasn’t a mistake. This was a choice—a choice you made without thinking about what they needed. They’re children, not tools to fix your problems or lessons to prove your point.”

Jean opened her mouth to reply, but I shook my head, cutting her off. “I trusted you. And you broke that trust—not just with me, but with them. I won’t let this happen again.”

She looked down, her face crumpling, but I had no room for her regret at that moment. My kids needed me.

Woman walking away with her children | Source: Midjourney

Woman walking away with her children | Source: Midjourney

As I walked to the car, Lucas finally broke the silence. “Mom?”

I looked down at him, my heart aching at the uncertainty in his voice. “Yeah, sweetheart?”

“Are we ever coming back here?” he asked softly.

I tightened my grip on his hand and said, “No, buddy. Not until Grandma learns how to treat you the way you deserve.”

Sophie stirred in my arms, whispering, “Good.”

And with that, I buckled them into the car and drove away, leaving behind the house, the garden, and a part of my trust I’d never get back.

Children inside a car | Source: Midjourney

Children inside a car | Source: Midjourney

If you liked this story, here’s another you’ll enjoy: “My MIL asked me to help cover her debt—What I discovered left me horrified.”

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided as “is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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