When a simple note can save a life. More details/photos:

It’s a good idea to frequently check under and around your car in this part of the country to make sure that animals hasn’t established a home there. A kind-hearted woman decided to step in when she noticed a newborn deer sleeping under someone else’s car tire.

This image on Facebook went viral after a woman published it to alert the driver of the car of a newborn deer that was sleeping under a tire.

The answers were sincere and sometimes funny. Joshua The most well-liked comment to date is this one from Kevin Nye:

It’s obvious that the woman was ancient, but how? Why didn’t she just send you a message if you saw her, rather than alerting you to the presence of a blasted deer beneath the tire? I need some clarification!

A different comedian hoped the driver knew how to read and write. I guess you can’t always infer that from the way certain drivers operate their vehicles.

Among the more compassionate people who appreciated this woman’s action was Cyntha Atkinson:

I appreciate you leaving the note, sweet woman.

I’m grateful, Cyntha. One must respect the courage of people who decide to change things instead of continuing with their life as normal.

Would you have tried to entice the deer to come out from under the automobile, left a note, or carried on with your life?

The model, who underwent 74 plastic surgeries, boasted of her results in Christmas photos

Can you believe that Jessica Alves, 40, has had 74 plastic surgeries?

The girl enthusiastically shares her gorgeous images of herself on the internet. Alves never passes up the chance to showcase plastic surgery on his social media profile. Alves gained the support of the crowd a few days ago when he participated in a picture session by the pool in front of the spectators.

Online users, however, were incensed by this behavior. A few of them left extremely offensive comments on her social media accounts.

“How did you get into this situation?”

“Why none of the surgeons declined is beyond me. Is it not apparent to you that she is insane?

“A case that was overlooked,”

And why? Is fame really the motivation behind it?,

“Why waste life in that way? It’s just one thing.”

“I can only image how nerve-wracking 74 body plastic surgery procedures can be,”

“What a miserable woman. She requires expert assistance.,

Internet users react on this article with the sentiment, “It’s a shame.”

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