When she watches her father sing “Ave Maria”, she can’t help but be moved to tears

During a visit to Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort, Justin Gigliello and his daughter Lyla sparked a viral sensation after a simple request from Lyla led to an extraordinary moment. While dressed casually in shorts and a soccer jersey, Justin surprised everyone with a stunning performance of “Ave Maria,” accompanied by a pianist in formal attire.

The impromptu performance quickly attracted an audience mesmerized by Justin’s exquisite tenor voice. The scene was made even more touching by the look of admiration and pride on Lyla’s face, which resonated deeply with both those in attendance and those watching online.

Video of this heartfelt performance quickly went viral on social media, with a post by FOX 35 Orlando garnering over 14 million views. Audiences were not only captivated by Justin’s remarkable talent, but also touched by the deep bond between father and daughter. Comments poured in, celebrating Justin’s impressive voice and the tender, loving look Lyla gave her father.

Witness the magic of this unexpected performance at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort, where a father’s musical talent and his daughter’s adoration transformed an ordinary day into an unforgettable event. Watch the video below to see how this touching moment captured the hearts of millions.

My daughter didn’t talk to me for a week. I decided to give her a harsh reality check

It all started when my daughter, Jessica, came home from school one day with a gloomy look on her face. As a single mother, I’ve always tried to provide the best for her despite our financial limitations. This time, it wasn’t a new pair of shoes or a trendy outfit she was asking for – it was a $50 Stanley Cup, a branded water mug. Apparently, the girls at her school were obsessed with them, and not having one made her a target for bullying.

I was taken aback. Was it really that big of a deal? Could a simple water cup hold such power over her social life? “Mom, everyone has one,” she pleaded. “They make fun of me because I don’t. I just want to fit in.” My heart ached for her, but the price tag was steep for a water cup, and I couldn’t justify it. I provided her with everything she needed, but a $50 cup seemed excessive and unnecessary.

“No, Jess, we can’t afford that right now,” I said firmly. She stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her. Days turned into a week, and her cold shoulder only grew colder. The silence was deafening, and the tension in the house was palpable.

The Standoff
Jessica’s attitude didn’t change. She talked to me but always with an undercurrent of anger and entitlement. She was stubborn, and her determination to make me cave was impressive, albeit frustrating. I provided for her needs – food, a clean house, clothes, a roof over her head, and a bed to sleep in. But her silent treatment continued, and I realized I needed to take a stand and teach her a lesson about gratitude and priorities.

So, I made a decision. The next day, Jessica came home from school with her usual cold greeting and went straight to her room. Moments later, I heard a heart-wrenching scream, “NO, NO… MOOOOOOM, MOOOOM PLEASE!”

The Harsh Lesson
I walked into her room to find her looking at an empty space where her bed used to be. “Mom, what did you do? Where is my bed?” she cried out, tears streaming down her face.

I hugged her tightly, tears welling up in my eyes. “Jessica, I love you, and I only want what’s best for you. It’s important to appreciate what you have and not let material things dictate your happiness.”

We moved her bed back into her room together, and the rift between us began to heal. The lesson was learned, and our bond grew stronger as a result. Jessica still faced challenges at school, but she no longer let the pressure of fitting in with material possessions affect her self-worth.

The Resolution
In the end, the experience brought us closer. Jessica learned the value of gratitude and resilience, and I learned the importance of standing firm in my decisions as a parent. The $50 Stanley Cup might have been a symbol of acceptance at school, but the real lesson lay in understanding that true worth isn’t measured by branded possessions.

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